Sunday, February 24, 2013

February 24, 2013

February 24, 2013

What a Week/end!

Hey all!  I hope everyone had a great weekend! I know mine was pretty legen- wait for it -dary! :)

Brad and Sebastian did an excellent job in class discussing with their learning session.  All the activities were very good and I believe they did a great job with each of the activities they did!  I thought the scenarios were very good and the discussion on the difference between negative goals and positive goals was good as well.  I hadn't really thought about the difference before and I will certainly be more conscientious about how I state my goals from now on.
Social Media Week is half over already and I have to say, it's certainly been interesting.  The interactions between everyone is great and has made the week a lot of fun.
The Daytona 500 and the Oscars are on today.  I've never been a big NASCAR fan, watching cars go around in a circle at 200 MPH.  But it's something to distract me from my homework, so there you go.  I'll definitely watch the Oscars tonight, although I haven't seen a lot of the films nominated.  Additionally, how about the Cyclone win yesterday?  I hope Kansas is ready for Big Monday.
Have a great week!
Go State!


  1. Thanks Katie. We did an excellent job, didn't we. I have found social media week to be awesome as well. I love learning about whatever does when they are not in class.

  2. Thank you very much! Glad everyone enjoyed the lesson. Also, I'm liking the HIMYM reference :)
