Thursday, April 18, 2013

April 18, 2013

April 18, 2013

Less than three weeks...

Is it just me or does everything seemed piled up all of the sudden?  With exactly 12 days left of the semester (inlcuding today, Thursday), suddenly the end is in sight, and that's a little nerve racking.  While I am most definitely ready for summer, everything I have to do is mounting.  No worries; it'll all get done. Hopefully...

This past week Brooke and Tanner led discussion on peer educators on college campuses, which was essentially a good review from everything we've done over the semester.  ISU uses a vast variety of peer educator "settings/institutions" to get students adjusted properly and help them succeed.  I am currently involved with the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences Ambassadors, working mostly with perspective open option students considering Iowa State.  During their campus visits, these students meet with an open option adviser and an ambassador from LAS to discuss academics and any other questions the students or parents have about Iowa State or college life in general.  It's great to work with the advisers and when we have meetings on Wednesday mornings, there's usually breakfast, so that's enjoyable.  I also recently filmed a "majors" interview discussing my major (history) to present to prospective students who are considering majoring in history.  The Ambassadors program is a great way to get involved within your college (every college has a program!) and spread your knowledge of your college and Iowa State!

Chelsee also lead discussion on social intelligence.  The article we read defined social intelligence as "a set of interpersonal competencies built on specific neural circuits (and related endocrine systems) that inspire others to be effective." (page 76)  I found the article to be very interesting and I didn't really know that personality played such an important role in social situations and how the simple difference of having a positive outlook on the day to a negative one impacts others around you as well. 

Chelsee asked us to list two characteristics of social intelligence that we excell at and one that we could improve on.  I believe that my strongest two are inspiration and teamwork.  I believe that these are my strongest two because I am very passionate about Iowa State and I feel that shows (especially when it comes to sports and traditions of Iowa State).  I want to instill that passion for all things cardinal and gold into others and getting involved in the various on campus activities is a great way to do so.  I'm also a good team player.  I think I work well with others and being a strong leader also means that you are able to take input from team members into account and listen to what each person has to say.

Something that I need to work on in terms of social intelligence may be attunement.  I realize that I am not always the best listener and I need to work on my active listening skills.  I don't always actively listen and this is especially difficult when my mind wants to be elsewhere.  I need to consciously make an effort to be a good listener.

I hope everyone is having a good and safe VEISHEA week.  Too bad the weather has not been more cooperative.  I swear, it's like Mother Nature doesn't realize that it's spring (that snow word keeps popping up in the forecast) and that it's VEISHEA (in which nice weather should be a given for!). 

Also, as my dad has been adamantly reminding me since yesterday afternoon, student football tickets went on sale.  We're that much closer to kickoff, so get those tickets bought before you get left out!! :)  I think this will be a year that no one will want to miss!!

As always,
Go Cyclones!


  1. I'm in the same boat when it comes to attunement. I'm a great listener but I don't always read into people's moods to see if there is something they aren't telling me.

  2. I thought the social intelligence disucssion was very interesting! Good to see that your strongest traits are inspiration and teamwork!!
