Saturday, April 27, 2013

April 27, 2013

April 27, 2013

Purple Squad, Packing, and Reflection

Happy Saturday Cyclone Nation!  I hope everyone is enjoying the absolutely gorgeous spring weather currently on display outside!  It's about time spring showed up! :)

I cannot believe how fast this semester has gone.  It seems like only yesterday it was January and none of us knew each other very well and now we're like family.  These past four months have been great and I hope we continue our friendly competition in the fall.  But, of course, Purple Squad trumps everything so Tanner and I will have a pretty darn good section.  Exhibit A of evidence that Purple Squad trumps everything:

Enough said! And with that, I would like to say I am greatly looking forward to the fall and working with Tanner to shape and mold the minds of the new students.  Let the competition begin!

Also, I am very pleased with how our peer mentor digital story turned out!  I had a blast filming and doing it a second time will give us some better knowledge on how to help our students in the fall with theirs!  

I've gone back and read some of my previous posts, and I have to say I didn't realize how much I would change in these past four months or how much different things from the beginning of the semester would be until now.  I believe I am much more aware of myself than I was in January and I've made several new friends (all of you guys!) that I wasn't prepared for, which is great!! :)

Finally, I've just now begun to pack for my move to the Grove where I will be living for the next 15 or so months (May 2013- [at least] July 2014).  I had no idea how much stuff I've accumulated throughout the year.  Maybe now will be a good time to downsize...Or just find new hiding places for everything at my new apartment.  

I found a quote that reflects a lot of what we've covered this semester, and I'll leave you with that:

"It is not a question how much a man knows, but what use he can make of what he knows." - J. G. Holland

See everyone tomorrow at the retreat!


  1. Great post! While purple squad is "good", I am having doubts that they will be the best section. But I shall let you live in your delusions of grandeur.

  2. To Sebastian's comment, I'll just say PURPLE SQUAD!!!!. I'm looking forward to having an awesome section next Fall and now we have Sebastian to show up. I think he underestimates the power of the Purple Squad.

  3. Haha I loved re-watching our digital story, go purple squad! Great post!
