Monday, June 10, 2013

June 10, 2013

June 10, 2013

A Month Into Summer...

It's a month into summer, and I figured I'd write an update blog.

My summer has been insanely busy between classes and work at the Alumni Association.  I'm always doing something and my days get long.  Last week, I swore Tuesday was Wednesday, Wednesday was Thursday, Thursday was STILL Thursday, and I couldn't believe it was actually Friday when it was Friday.

I wish the weather would cooperate and quit raining so my parents and the rest of Iowa's farmers can finish planting.  I know we still have a couple fields of beans (that's soybeans) to do and San Diego is quickly approaching.  Every one please pray for sunshine and warm weather!! Please and thanks!

I had a pretty good weekend this past weekend.  I got to show a city boy the charms of a small town and I think he really enjoyed the simple life.  He did say Dows and Clarion was drastically different from anything he's used to, which is saying something.  To him, Ames is civilization, and wherever the heck we were at was the middle of nowhere.  Granted, my house could be considered the middle of nowhere since we were surrounded by fields, fresh air, and open spaces and not a town for miles (Dows is two miles from my house; Clarion is seventeen).

I hope everyone is having a good summer, being productive, getting that workout in, etc.  Additionally, I just posted my ISU History and Traditions blog.  Yes, it's quite long, but it's very informational and I actually had a lot of fun writing it.  History and Iowa State are two of my favorite things, so naturally this was a good fit for me.

Until next time,

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