Thursday, July 4, 2013

July 4, 2013

July 4, 2013

America and California

Happy Fourth of July everyone!  I hope everyone has a safe holiday and is relaxing.  Today marks the 237th anniversary of the signing of the Declaration of Independence, but did you know that the United States did not officially become a nation until the signing of the Treaty of Paris in 1783, ending the American Revolution,?  And actually, the Treaty was not adopted by the Congress of the Confederation until January, 1784.

Also, did you know that the original government of the United States was not the Constitution we hold by today, but rather the Articles of Confederation, which loosely organized the states and had no central head of  government?  The Articles were deemed ineffective after a short while and the Constitutional Convention took place in 1787, creating the "Great Compromise" and the Constitution we know of today.

And now you know some history about our great country! :)

I just recently got back from San Diego, California, where my oldest female cousin on my dad's side got married.  My dad's family is huge, and all but five cousins were in attendance.  (I believe at last count there are 26 or 27 cousins from 9 siblings...)  It was a great time and we Iowans/Illinois-ans/Minnesotans/Coloradans really showed the Californians how to party.  The DJ played Sweet Caroline and nearly all of Kristin's side of the reception hall (it was split between her side and Daniel's family) was singing and dancing along to it.  My aunts and uncles were deemed the "rowdy table" and even though it was a black tie affair, my uncles decided it was a great idea to put their ties around their head like bandannas.  It was a marvelous time.

Also, question: Does everyone know what the Alligator is or is this just a random thing my family does to "Taking Care of Business"?  If you don't know what it is, and you don't do it at weddings...well, you're missing out.

The weather in San Diego is absolutely gorgeous: Little humidity, NO BUGS, and simply amazing.  I would go back in a heartbeat and see more of the town and spend time discovering the history of the seaside town.

The ocean was cold and really salty and it was the first time I had been to the ocean.  We weren't able to spend a lot of time in the water due to rip tide warnings, but it was thrilling.  I didn't mind the cold so much once I got used to it, but the saltiness of the water got to me if I didn't time the jump of the oncoming wave right.

We also went to the USS Midway and saw Maverick from Top Gun on board prepping for flight.

I couldn't imagine living on a boat like that for extended periods of time!

We also went to a lighthouse and the views were simply breathtaking.  Here's a taste:

If anyone gets a chance to go to San Diego, I highly recommend it!  I wasn't ready to come back to reality and Iowa, but I really did miss my dog and a certain colleague of ours! ;)

I hope everyone is having an awesome summer and is enjoying the weather we have here!  
Until next time...

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